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  • If you have an outside pen or tie out, make sure your pet has access to shade so it can escape the hot sun and plenty of fresh water.

  • Don't leave your pet(s) in a hot car, not even for a few minutes in the shade. They don't cool down as quickly as we do, and even a few minutes in the car, even if in the shade, can cause heat stroke, death or irreparable damage.

  • Make sure your outside dog always has fresh, cool water available.

  • Bathe and brush your dog often during the summer shedding season. It'll keep all that loose hair off your floors and furniture and will keep your dog more comfortable during those hot days.

  • Make sure he is wearing an up-to-date name tag whenever outside.

  • Clear your yard of pet waste at least once a week and before a rain. Pet stools are a magnet for bacteria, flies and infectious diseases.

  • Don't let your dog ride in a car with its head out the window. Dust, bugs, and other airborne items can cause injury to your pet. A crack is all they need since what they really want is to smell all the new scents in the air.

  • When traveling, always protect your pets in either a cage, kennel or pet carrier. An accident or sudden stop could cause serious injury to your pet or to yourself or passengers. (NEVER put your dog in the trunk at any time for any reason!!)

  • When you travel, bring along food and water from home to decrease the chances of digestive problems.

Pretty But Poisonous

Part of pet-proofing your home is to make sure you have no plants in a position where your dog can chew on the leaves or stems. The following are some of the plants you should be aware of that can harm your pet:

Spider Plant
Jerusalem cherry
Airplane Plant
Dragon Tree
Mother-in-law's Tongue
English Ivy

If you are unsure if there are other outdoor plants in your area that are hazardous

and may not be listed here, ask your veterinarian for a list.


                        Puppies are much like babies in many ways. They teethe and they're also very curious. The following are a few suggestions for protecting your pup:

                        Unplug, remove, or cover any electrical cords in your puppy's confinement area. If he chews live wires he can receive severe mouth burns, electrocution, or cause fires.

                        Among common household items that can be poisonous to your puppy and should be kept out of reach are:
Bleach, household detergent, disinfectant, insecticides, cleaning fluid, fertilizer, antifreeze, and mothballs.


Check the placement of any houseplants listed above to be certain they are out of temptation's way, and be certain that he cannot get to any harmful plants in his exercise yard.

                        Don't leave nails, staples, straight pins, needles, hair pins, aluminum can tabs or other sharp objects where your puppy can chew or swallow them. Small objects on the floor can be easily gobbled up and swallowed. It is also a good idea to avoid any rubber-type toys with squeakers or other noise makers inside. Holes can easily be chewed in the toy and ingested or inhaled.

Puppies need to chew and play - just make sure you provide them with things that you want them to chew on and that are safe play things.


Yes! Tasty but toxic, chocolate is dangerous to dogs (and cats) when eaten in large quantities. Always keep chocolate out of the reach of pets. Also toxic to dogs are grapes and raisins.

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