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The following is a list of abbreviations regarding championship awards,
 as indicated on French pedigrees and what they refer to:

CACS                                              Championship of Standard (beauty championship)
RCACS                                            Reserve
CACIB                                             International Beauty Championship
RCACIB                                           Reserve
CACT                                              Working Championship (Travail=Field Trial)
RCACT                                            Reserve
CACIT                                             International Championship  (The CACT are awarded one for each stake, while the CACIT is in                                                                      competition between the CACT winners)
CHT                                                Trial Champion
CHIT                                                International Field Champion
CHFTA or CHA                              Shot game trial (A=Autumn trials on released birds, normally pheasants)
CHFTP or CHP                              Spring Field Trial (P=printemps - spring, on natural (wild) game)
CHB  or CHCS                               National Beauty Champion
CHIB                                               International Beauty Champion

Other Designations:

TR                                                  Trialer
TAN                                               Natural Aptitude Test Awarded

To become a champion, a field trial dog has to be rated at least "VERY GOOD" in a show, and to become a Show Champion, a dog has to be awarded in a field trial.


CHA or CHP = 4 CACT (dogs) or 3 CACT (bitches) in solo under different judges + a "Very Good" in show.
CHT = 1 CACT shot game solo + 1 CACT spring solo + 1 CACT shot game couple + 1 CACT spring couple.
CHCS = 3 CACS under different judges + mention "Excellent" in field trial. The total must be compiled within 2 years after the 3rd CACS.
CHIB = 2 CACIB in 2 countries, with at least 365 days between them, and one being won in France for french owners, + at least a "Good" or a 3rd place in field trial.
CHIT = 2 CACIT in 2 different countries.

French Field Trials

Field trials in Europe, and specifically France, are considerably different than those we are used to in the U.S. A summarization of a field trial in France:
The breeds are split between english breeds (a wider ground exploration is expected than for the other breeds) and the continental breeds (brittanys and GSP the majority). They are run in solo or couple (braces). The time allowed to find game is 15 minutes. A dog of merit with no encounter can be given a second chance at the end of the day - it runs then until the point or the fault, if not exhausted.

At spring time trials, the dogs are expected to run approximately at 100 yards on each side, 30 yards before the handler - who must walk in a promenade pace - generally held on short wheat. At fall trials (shot game trials)  the dogs are expected to run approximately 60 yards each side, often on sugar beets).  In itself it is not the distance that is appreciated, but the fact that if the game is scarce the wider and faster a dog goes, the more chance it has to meet birds. The birds for field trials are wild grey partridges in spring trials, wild or released greys in summer (stubble or beets), released pheasants in shot game field trials (except for some specific trials held on woodcocks, snipes and black grouse).


ALL field trials are WALKED - NO horseback or ATV at all.

Once on point, the dog has to keep steady until the handler rejoins him, orders the dog to flush (or flushes the bird himself - either way is acceptable). Must be steady to wing and shot. If the bird is shot, the retrieve is ordered by the judge to the handler who then orders his dog. Bird giving seated and in hand is appreciated. When running in couple, the dogs must honor without intervention of their handler.


Exceptional pointing dogs - perfect for home and field.

AKC/UKC Registered Epagneul Bretons, French Brittany Gun Dogs


Website design by Kathleen    Dillon

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