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  • DO YOU NAME THE PUP FOR ME?  We adhere to the naming convention utilized in France. You can choose a name which would comply or we can choose for you. For further information on naming and for a list of names from which to choose, click here.


  • DO YOU OFA YOUR DOGS HIPS?   Yes all of our dogs' hips have been x-rayed and certified free of dysplasia


  • ARE THESE DOGS REGISTERED? Yes, our parents are all U.K.C. registered Epagneul Breton foundation stock and are also registered with the A.K.C. as Brittanys. Your pup therefore is eligible for dual registration. You have been provided the puppy registration forms for both organizations. The AKC is a limited registration. This means that the dog cannot be bred. You can still enter your dog in AKC events (except shows as they are not eligible under AKC anyway) with a limited registration.  If you desire to have an unlimited AKC registration on your dog you should make arrangements with us to pay the additional fee of $500.00 to have the limitation removed or you can make arrangements prior to purchase. The limitation will be removed upon appropriate arrangements and as long as the naming convention has been adhered to.


  • PERMANENT IDENTIFICATION.   We do permanently identify each pup that we produce by implanting AVID EURO chips, microchips with a unique identification number that can be traced throughout the dog's lifetime. Click here for more details.

  • HOW BIG ARE YOUR DOGS? Females are usually 18-19 inches and weigh from about 28-35 pounds. Males are usually 19-20 inches and weigh from about 30-40 pounds.  

  • DO YOU GUARANTEE YOUR DOGS?   The pups we produce have a 24 month guarantee for the original owner against major  hereditary genetic disease. We will take the dog back and replace it with a pup providing the problem is documented  by your veterinary and confirmed by our veterinary as hereditary in nature. For the purpose of hip certification we require an OFA permanent certification or determination at the age of 24 months. All shipping or transportation is the responsibility of the owner. We do not reimburse veterinary costs. If your dog has been bred, or if your dog was spay/neutered prior to the age of 12 months,
    any and all guarantees or remedies are voided. Guarantee applies to the original owner only.


  • HOW FAR DO THEY RANGE? That will depend somewhat on cover, weather conditions, you as the owner, the bird type being hunted and the scarcity of birds in the area. The normal range for a French brittany is 40-100 yards, depending on cover and numbers of birds. The thicker the cover, the closer they will work. Our dogs average about 60-80 yards when hunted on pheasants in relatively open cover. They instinctively hunt close, quarter naturally, stay within gun range and check back with you constantly. They are also intelligent enough to adjust their range to the circumstances. 

  • I HUNT QUAIL, WILL THEY RANGE FURTHER OUT? Yes, it's easier to train a dog to range further than it is to try to get a big ranging dog to work close. And when the cover or birds are scarce, the range will be further. But even then, he will be consistently checking back with you.


WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR DOGS?Orange/white, Liver/white, Black/white, tri-color and roan of any of those colors. Ticking can vary from heavy to light. We would like to mention that color is the least important trait by which to pick a dog and we do not make the production of a certain color a priority. We have not found there to be any noticeable difference in abilities between colors (nor for that matter between genders). By electing to choose "Any Available" you may avoid a long waiting list. 

  • CAN YOU RUN THESE DOGS IN FIELD TRIALS? Yes if you desire. There are many venues available in which this breed excels. You will perhaps see "champion" designations on pedigrees that relate to your dog's relatives in Europe - these were from trials are run on wild birds and are walking trials. 

  • CAN I TEACH MY DOG TO POINT? Pointing is an inherited trait, it's not something you can teach.

  • CAN I TEACH MY OWN DOG TO HUNT? You can't teach a dog to hunt. He'll either hunt or he won't. It's an instinct that's inherited and maintained with good breeding. Your role is to teach the dog obedience, HOW you want him to hunt and to get the dog exposure to birds. The more exposure they get the more they learn and the better they get. These dogs are very intelligent and very loyal to their masters. As you hunt together, the dog will learn your style of hunting, your mannerisms, your preferences. 

  • WHEN CAN I START TRAINING? Our advice is to let your puppy be a puppy. As soon as you get your puppy home you should start teaching him house manners and basic light obedience, such as come, walking on a leash, etc. However formal field training should wait until the dog has matured sufficiently, we usually recommend the 8-10 month range. This breed of dogs should not be trained with a heavy hand, usually just a stern voice is sufficient. 

  • WHEN WILL I BE ABLE TO START HUNTING WITH MY DOG? We suggest taking your dog into the field as early as you can, introduce him to the outdoors, the smells, BUT keep it fun! Take him with you the first hunting season that comes around after you get him but keep it fun and don't take him with a big group of people or dogs. Just introducing him to the scent of the birds and the "fun" of being in the field is the first important step for a gun dog. Limit what you expect and the number of hours that you hunt with them - their bones are still maturing and shouldn't been stressed excessively. Remember, the first one year of their life they are pups.  

  • DO YOU HUNT WITH YOUR DOGS? Yes, most definitely - you can see pictures of our dogs in the field HERE.

  • DO THEY LIKE WATER, RETRIEVE FROM WATER? Yes, click here to see some pictures in action

  • DO THEY MAKE GOOD HOUSE DOGS? Yes, as far as we're concerned they're the perfect field and family dog. They are energetic without being "nervous" or hyper. Therefore, they'll hunt all day for you, and then come home and settle in to the family routine nicely. In fact, these dogs thrive best in situations where they are included in the family and not kept confined to a kennel constantly. They need and love your company and affection.  

  • ARE THEY GOOD WITH KIDS? Absolutely. They are good for the kids and kids are good for the dog. Although they love being in the house with you, they are hunting dogs and when the season is over they still enjoy, and need, a good romp. Who better to romp with them in the back yard then the kids? 
    Click HERE to see for yourself.


  • WHAT TYPE OF BIRDS CAN I HUNT WITH ONE? The dogs and pups we've sold are hunting all species of upland game birds and some even use them on ducks though these dogs should not be expected to be "ice-breakers".

  • HOW LONG DO THEY LIVE? 12-15 years is not uncommon, but much depends on the care they receive during their lifetime. 

  • CAN WE COME VISIT THE KENNEL? Yes, you are more than welcome, but please make an appointment so we can arrange our schedule for you. 

  • CAN WE PICK UP OUR PUPPY? Of course. We encourage anyone buying a puppy to come pick it up. That way you can see the kennel, the parents, the country it was bred in and we can meet it's new parents. Picking up your puppy when it's ready to go home is the responsibility of the buyer. However, if you cannot pick it up yourself we will make the arrangements and ship the puppy by air for you. 

  • I CAN'T COME PICK OUT MY PUPPY, HOW DO I KNOW WHAT I'LL GET? The majority of our puppies aren't seen by their new owners until they are picked up when it's time to go home, whether that's at the airport or at our kennel. No one can be certain what an eight week old puppy will turn out to be, but experience and a trained eye are key in the selection process.  If you have specified a specific color the selection is done within your color preference. Socialization is an important fundamental at our kennel so we spend an inordinate amount of time with the pups, and thus we get to know each one's personality and we use our puppy selection criteria for matching puppies to their new homes. Click here for more information on socialization and picking a puppy.

  • IS IT HARD ON THE PUPPIES TO FLY THEM? We have not encountered any problems. The airlines are quite strict and emphasize humane treatment of all animals shipped. Their goal, and ours, is to get them to their destination as quickly as possible. All you need to do is make sure you're there to pick them up as soon as they arrive.  

  • DO YOU PAY THE SHIPPING COSTS? No. All shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. When we ship by air to you, the freight will be COD or if prepaid, the shipping must be paid prior to the flight. 

  • WE WANT A DOG FOR HUNTING AND A HOUSE PET. WHICH SEX WOULD BE BETTER? In some breeds a male dog is harder headed than a female or vice versa. However, in this breed, we have not seen a significant difference between the two in the field or in the home.  

  • DO YOU RECOMMEND CASTRATION/SPAYING? Yes, we produce pups intended for companionship and hunting. Castrated males stick to business in the field even if your friend's female is in heat during your hunting trip, plus you don't have to worry about them marking their territory. Also, with spayed females there is no inconvenience in the home or the field with heat cycles and it greatly reduces the health risks associated with dogs who have not been altered. However with that said, you should NOT spay/neuter your dog too early due to possible adverse effects on their health. We strongly advise that you not spay or neuter until after the age of 14 months. Your guarantee will be voided if you spay/neuter prior to the age of 12 months.Please see the following links for additional information regarding this advice:


  • BUT SHOULDN'T MY FEMALE HAVE AT LEAST ONE LITTER? No, there is absolutely no need for this. In fact there are less chances of health problems in both castrated and spayed dogs. We also believe that breeding is a complicated matter, taking long hours of study and observation and years of experience with the breed prior to producing pups. We do not encourage casual breeding because those who are breeding for only a litter or two have the tendency to use the closest stud available out of convenience, without taking into the consideration the genetics of the match; nor do they always realize the amount of time, patience and commitment required to raise well-adjusted, healthy and socialized puppies thereby requiring more than the casual breeder is usually adequately prepared to handle.

  • CAN I SHIP MY BITCH TO YOU FOR BREEDING LATER ON?  We do offer on premises stud service or extended frozen semen for artificial insemination on a limited basis provided the female has passed all health checks.  You may phone to inquire.




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