Pedigrees & Pictures
Plum Creek Kennels
and other International Destinations
Video and Picture Galleries
Click on the picture to view a video of 2009 Euro Cup and Spanish Cup in Osuna, Spain
For the second year in a row Bill represented the U.S.A. at the Coupe d'Europe (Euro Cup) with the AKC's sanctioning. The Coupe was hosted this year in Osuna, Spain.
Pictured with him are our dogs Ultra de la Source Aux Perdrix and Tatoo du Bois Courcol.
This year Ultra received an award of Excellent in the Trial of Excellence at the Euro Cup and was awarded an EXCELLENT in the Coupe d'Spain and an Tres Bon in another field trial.
Tatoo was also awarded an EXCELLENT and a Tres Bon in his competitions. These were trials held on wild birds under less than favorable conditions. We're proud of the fine showing and for the opportunity to represent the U.S.A. at these events.
Spring 2008
Bill attended the spring trials in France and came home with several more wins.
He also traveled to the Czech Republic as the official representative for the U.S.A. in the Coupe d'Europe competition and are proud to announce that Tatoo won a Tres Bon there, one of only 8 dogs to win an award out of all those that competed in the Cup
Spring 2007
We were proud to be able to compete in the Coupe de France in 2007.
Only dogs who have met certain qualifications are able to compete, and Bill is the first American to compete in the French Cup. Ultra ran a strong and absolutely perfect course, we couldn't have asked for better!
Tatoo wins TRES BON
France and Czech Republic
Click on the picture for a video
of the 2008 Spring field trial trip to France and to the Czech Republic for the Euro Cup.
Click on the picture for a video
of the 2007 Spring field trial trip to France.
Click on this picture to view the picture gallery of the 2005 Spring fields and National Elevage.
Click here for a picture tour of some of the kennels in France.
Click above to view a picture gallery of the 2005 summer trip to France and the CEB National Exhibition.
Click here for the 2002 France picture tour.
Click here to view a picture gallery of the
2004 Spring field trial trip.
(L-R) Bill Dillon, M.Claude Martini, M. Leon Le Louet, M.Henri Guelou.
Pictured are Dominique Pozo, Bill Dillon and Tatoo.