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Plum Creek Kennels
Breeding French Brittany Gun Dogs For The Foot Hunter!

Selective breeding with proven French Brittanys showing exceptional skills, natural abilities and great dispositions has resulted in the best French Brittany program in the country.
Hunting has always been a way of life for Plum Creek French Brittanys. Plum Creek dogs guided clients for over two decades, so the bar of expectation in the field for our French Brittanys was always necessarily quite high. As committed French Brittany breeders many years were spent traveling to France and establishing personal relationships, which provided a unique opportunity to select and import the best French Brittany blood lines in Europe on which to build the Plum Creek lineage.
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French Brittany Gun Dogs from Texas Hill Country

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French Brittanys are the original Brittany Spaniel, the Epagneul Breton, a close working bird dog, calm yet energetic, with a fantastic nose and uncanny bird sense. The French Brittany Spaniel is quick and fiercely intelligent, a combination of sweet disposition and reckless courage. French Brittanys are gun dogs with natural hunting and retrieving ability, are affectionate and loyal and are always anxious to please you - best friends!
The French Brittany hunts within gun range and checks back with you his partner, which is what makes them a great breed for the foot hunter. French Brittanys hunt for you, you don't have to hunt for them! They will put in a whole day's hunt, no matter the weather or cover, their energy seemingly bottomless, yet ease calmly right into the home without disrupting the household. With the French Brittany Spaniel's compact stature, he is light and quick on his feet, which perhaps is what gives him such endurance.
The French Brittany Spaniel's hunting instinct, intelligence and stature are the result of meticulous European breeding practices of the Brittany Spaniel breed. And we are vehemently committed to maintaining and continuing the same meticulous practices - designed to produce the French Brittany spaniel that falls within the (European) FCI international standard for the French Brittany Spaniel, the Epagneul Breton, as well as being gun dogs that are a joy to live and hunt with, that play with your children, steal your chair and your heart, and know when the shotgun comes out it's time to get down to business.
The French Brittany is definitely our breed of choice!
For pictures, pedigrees and much more French Brittany info, explore all the links on the menu bar.
Art and Mary Heitzler
PO Box 3428
Fredericksburg, Tx 78624